From the recent insights of industry leaders summit, the top 2020 wellness and health trends include the focus shift into health and wellness technology, fertility and longevity.
In the recent decade, it has been observed that the Gen Y and Millennials focus on their passion and hobbies as part of their careers, or they will juggle their daily commitments and passion within the 24 hours we have in a day. Similar to the Gen X, we are already seeing our busy bees working long hours in the corporation striving for a indispensable role with a bigger pay cheque. All in all, while we can all agree different characteristics across the generations, their priorities change over time, there is one thing that remains constant; the time to to settle down and start a family. Late conceiving has its own level of complexity and difficultly.
Conceiving is an art on its own. The body functions need to be in good condition in both the male and female, all of which must happen in the right sequence, at the right time.
Apart from late conceiving, we are also seeing an increased difficulty in conceiving in the social norm. This can be broken into 2 categories: Lifestyle and the Health of the Body.
Most of the lifestyle issues can be a result of the following:
Stress. This can disrupt hormone activity in women that regulates ovulation and can cause similar hormonal issues in men that inhibits healthy sperm.
Alcohol. Men should limit alcohol consumption, and women trying to get pregnant should avoid drinking altogether.
Over Weight. This is one of the primary lifestyle issues that can cause infertility in both men and women. Women who are obese or overweight may experience problems with ovulation, which reduces the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization (IFV). In men, obesity can harm sperm production.
Diet. Without proper nutrients, a woman’s body does not perform tasks efficiently, including reproduction. In particular, women should limit caffeine intake. Poor nutrition can also limit sperm production in men.
STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause infertility in women, and some STDs can block delivery of sperm in men. Safe sex with a limited number of partners is the best way to prevent infection.
Temperature. Men should avoid things that raise the temperature of their scrotum, such as placing a laptop computer there.
Other issues can be of the following:
Not Ovulating
Most women who are experiencing ovulation problems have irregular periods. However, regular menstrual cycles don't guarantee that ovulation is occurring. There are many scientific possibilities why this occurs. A tumor or cyst could also keep you from getting pregnant. An underactive thyroid may also be a reason since this gland produces a hormone that tells your body to release an egg during ovulation. If you have an eating disorder or are committed to a super-intense workout, you might stop ovulating altogether.
Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Ovulatory issues accounts for about 25% of female infertility cases. The rest can have problems with blocked fallopian tubes, uterine structural problems, endometriosis or Inflammatory Disease (PID) .
The fallopian tubes are the pathways between your ovaries and the uterus. The fallopian tubes do not directly attach to the ovaries. Sperm must swim up from the cervix, through the uterus, and into the fallopian tubes. When an egg is released from the ovaries, hair-like projections from the fallopian tube draw the egg inside. Conception takes place inside the fallopian tube, where the sperm and egg finally meet.
If anything that prevents the fallopian tubes from working properly, or if scarring blocks the sperm or egg from meeting, you won't be able to get pregnant. There are many possible causes of blocked fallopian tubes. Only fertility testing can determine if your tubes are open. Do check with your family doctor on the test options.
Cervical Problems
Cervical cancer or even a trauma from an abnormal Pap smear can also cause fertility issues.