As our modern world has changed, more people spend their days sitting in front of computer screens. Computers and televisions are backlit, meaning that they emit a glare. Staring at this glowing screen makes your eyes work harder, straining the delicate muscles that control your eye.

Eye strain is a common problem today. Vision problems is increasing exponentially due to different reasons that range from loss of flexibility of distance vision to aging vision. In recent news, people whom seek optical advice doubled during the stay-home quarantine period in this pandemic. Prolonged exposure to books, computer screens and electronic devices can cause eye strain that may result in blurred vision, itchy and watery eyes, headaches, double vision and other eye irritation.
Try our alternative treatments and practice mindfulness today. We focus on both the physical and mental holistic wellness to improve our lives.
Blink your eyes more often
Also be cognizant of your rate of blinking. Purposely blinking more frequently keeps your eyeballs moist and your eye muscles relaxed. Many people also use artificial tears, available at pharmacies or through your eye doctor, to lubricate the eyes and provide relief from eye strain. Simply closing your eyes for 10 seconds can reduce strain and provide instant release.

Figure of Eight Tracing This eye exercise will increase the flexibility of your eye muscles and improve your vision. Visualize a gigantic 8 almost 10 feet away from you and turn it on its side. Now sketch it with your eyes slowly for a few minutes – first clockwise and then anticlockwise.
Distance Gazing
Resting your eyes alleviates the hard work they perform by continually maintaining focus on nearby objects or glowing screens. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a break for approximately 20 seconds in which you look at an object at least 20 feet away. Looking at objects in the distance reduces eye muscle tension and lowers your risk of eye strain.

Eye Massage
To relieve eye strain, use clean fingers to gently massage the eyelids, the muscle above the eyebrows, the under-eyes and temples. This helps increase blood circulation to the eyes and relaxes the muscles around your eyes. It also stimulates the tear glands, preventing dry eyes.
Warm Compress
Another way to reduce eye strain is to relax your eyes and provide warm temperatures. Consider rubbing your hands together and gently pressing the heels of your palms onto your closed eyes. The heat from your hands relaxes and soothes strained muscles. Alternatively, you can dip a soft, clean cloth into warm water and find a comfortable place to lie down. Close your eyes and place the warm cloth over your eyelids. Relax and take deep, relaxing breaths for 1 minute.

Cold Compress
Cold water is effective in improving blood circulation and relaxing strained eyes. It is similar to the warm compress method except you dip a soft, clean cloth into cold water instead. If your eye strain has resulted in puffiness or swelling around the eye area, wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cloth and place it on your eyelids for 2 minutes. You can also use sliced cucumbers or aloe vera similarly to relax eye muscles using cool temperatures.