Asthma accompanies you for lifetime. It is a common chronic illness faced in our society and are especially susceptible to young kids and elderly with lower immunity system.

It may be common to hear of food restrictions such as cold drinks or spicy food. However in the recent local review, representatives from both Singapore General Hospital’s and Changi General Hospital's department of respiratory and critical care medicine shared that there is no conclusive evidence of benefits of doing so not unless the person has a specific food allergy that could lead up to asthma attacks.
The hard truth is ... there is no cure for asthma but it can be effectively controlled.
Common but without a cure
Asthma is a common inflammatory disease with repeated attacks by narrowing the passage of the airway causing difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest tightness and sometimes coughing.
Asthma are caused by body allergens, prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke and extreme sports (although it happens rarely). It is a variable disease that the severity and symptoms varies for every affected individual. In more chronic cases, some patients may be more prone to asthma attacks that may require admission to the clinical care.
Although asthma cannot be cured, it can be treated effectively. Research shows that with proper treatment, nearly all asthma patients can achieve good asthma control. The good news is that based on our medical history, there is a decline in asthmatic death with the help of the steroids inhalers.
Together with the improvements from the medical field, aside from using ventolin and the rescue inhaler to reduce the inflammation and swell in your airway during asthma flares, there are asthma preventers and controllers that can help to control asthmatic symptoms. A preventer inhaler may be given to be used daily to reduce inflammation in the lungs and prevent attacks. Doctors stressed the importance of preventers as it reduce asthma attacks and improves lung function.
Definitely, we continue to aim for good control of your asthma by listening to your doctor's advice.
Being active and working out can help people with asthma stay fit and most importantly, strengthen their breathing muscles to help the lungs work better. Sports like swimming, golf, leisure hiking, yoga, baseball, football, gymnastics, and shorter track and field activities are good choices. These workouts can boost your lung capacity and endurance. Needless to say, exercise also improves the overall conditioning of the heart, improving blood flow and the delivery of oxygen.
However, some sports can be challenging. These include endurance sports like ice hockey, long-distance running or sports that are strenuous without much rest time like soccer and basketball.
What are the other healthy practices that can help with asthma control?