Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths.
What can acupuncture be used for?
Acupuncture can be used for headaches, blood pressure problems, and whooping cough, among others. The NCCIH has also noted that it has been proven to help in cases of:
low back pain
neck pain
knee pain
headache and migraine
In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed a number of conditions in which they say acupuncture has been proven effective.
These include:
high and low blood pressure
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
some gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer
painful periods
allergic rhinitis
facial pain
morning sickness
rheumatoid arthritis
tennis elbow
dental pain
reducing the risk of stroke
inducing labor
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be beneficial provided that:
When performed correctly, it is safe.
There are very few side effects.
It can be effectively combined with other treatments.
It can control some types of pain.
It may help patients for whom pain medications are not suitable.
Risks of Acupuncture
All therapies have risks as well as benefits. The possible risks of acupuncture are:
It is dangerous if a patient has a bleeding disorder or takes blood thinners.
Bleeding, bruising, and soreness may occur at the insertion sites.
Use of non-sterilized needles may infect the patient.
In rare cases, a needle may break and damage an internal organ.
When inserted deeply into the chest or upper back, there is a risk of collapsed lung, but this is very rare.
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Introducing Electric Acupuncture that you can use at home
With all the risks considered above, we decided to try out an alternative acupuncture product that is also safe to use at home. It does not use any needle and you do not have to worry about the risk of non-sterilized needles or how it may be inserted too deeply into the skin.
After sort of "sprained" a few nerves on my wrist and the pain had not been able to go away for a few weeks, I decided to give this product a try. Please see this product review here.
Tags: #pain, #energy, #balance, #acupuncture #needles